Natural Phenomenon


Moonbows or lunar rainbows are rare natural atmospheric phenomena that occur when the Moon’s light is reflected and refracted off water droplets in the air.
Moonbows are similar to rainbows, but they are created by moonlight instead of direct sunlight.
moonbow happens if :
  1. The Moon has to be very low in the sky – no more than 42 degrees from the horizon.
  2. The Moon phase has to be a Full Moon or nearly full.
  3. The sky must be very dark for a moonbow to be observed – any bright light can obscure it.
  4. Water droplets must be present in the air in the opposite direction of the moon.
Moonbows are more frequent in some locations around the world. Most of these locations tend to have waterfalls, which create layers of mist in the air. Some of these locations are the Yosemite National Park in California and Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in Kentucky, U.S.; Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe; and Waimea in Hawaii, U.S.

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