Day 1

On Thursday, on January 3, 2019 all students Bandung Public High School 3 carried out village service activities. Village service activities it lasts for three days, starting on January 3, 2019 and end in Kertasari District, Bandung, West Java.

On January 5, 2019. This activity was held in Cibeureum Village, Starting at 6:00 a.m., all students and companions have already our academic supervisor, Mrs. Deti, gave us an appointment first.We gathered in the corridors of Public High Schools 3 and 5 Bandung. Before departure, at 6:30 a.m., we conducted a prayer together led by Mr.
The Angkot that we use is the Lembang department. After that, we line up according to our respective classes, then walked towards the front yard of SMA 3 and 5 Bandung. There we are boarded an angkot that had been ordered by the school to the location.

During our trip on angkot, we  greeted several road users who passed by. Around 9:00, we arrived at Cibeureum Village. We were amazed to see the beauty of nature there. However, unfortunately we cannot enjoy it for long because the instructor had told us to gather at village meeting hall. Arriving there, we watched the opening of the activity and hand over the village service participants from the Bandung State High School 3 to Mr. Efi Nur.

We arrived at Mrs. Ucu's house, our adoptive parents in Cibeureum. We also chat many things, starting from her family, work, daily life in the village, etc. Mrs. Ucu has two children. Our daughter forgot whose name. After having fun chatting, we immediately arranged our items in the room on the second floor. Then we decided to take a short break. Not long then, we went downstairs and said goodbye to Mrs. Ucu to visit our friend's house, Amara. When we arrived there, we discussed TPA activities for children tomorrow.

Day 2

Today we decided to go to garden. After going through various kinds of obstacles, finally around 07.00, we arrived in the garden. The land is quite extensive with growing onion. When we arrived, we did not work immediately, but we rested first
while chatting. Previously, we took out bases made from like the old sack that Mrs. Ucu had brought so we could sit with comfortable. We help Bu Ucu's works in the garden. Then we return to Bu Ucu's house for take a rest.

Day 3

Saturday, precisely on December 5, 2019 is the last day we participated in this Bakti Desa activity. Right at 05.00 we already get up and get ready soon because we were invited by Bu Deti, our teacher, to go for a walk to visit Situ Cisanti together with friends another. Mrs. Ucu, our adoptive parents also participated. He will also go together
with his friend to just take a walk to see Situ Cisanti.

We all entered the Situ Cisanti area. Situ Cisanti is upstream from Citarum river. The scenery is amazingly beautiful. The air is cool and the scenery spoils the eyes of anyone who sees it. There we can say it's pretty clean because everything is well organized and neat. We also rarely find junk scattered. Luckily we arrived there at the time of the hour still shows the number nine, so Situ Cisanti is not too crowded visitors and ofcourse the weather is not too hot. We strolled along the lake while stopping occasionally just take a picture together. Until it doesn't feel the sun has started to rise. Day already began hot, so we decided to return soon.

After we had a closing ceremony in Balai Desa, we return to Bandung again with angkot together. We had so much fun in Cibeureum and hope to visit Cibeureum village again soon.


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