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      A long weekend was coming. Riri, Santi, and Bayu were talking about their holiday plans. Riri said that they would have a long weekend and she asked santi if she had any plans for it. Santi wasn't sure about it because she still didn't have any idea. She tought that stay at home would be amazing. After that, Santi asked Bayu whether Bayu had any plan. Bayu said that he and his father were going to go fishing in a lake near his uncle's house. Bayu offered Santi to come with him and his father. But, Santi said that she didn't really like fishing and preferred to stay at home. Santi wondered whether Riri would like to do on the long weekend. Riri answered that she had made a plan with her mother. The plan was baking cookies. Bayu wondered if she was going to bake choco chips cookies like the other day, and Riri said that she and her mother were going to make choco chip cookies and ginger cookies. Riri also offered Bayu and Santi to join with her. Then, Bayu asked Santi whether she would join Riri or Him. But Riri said that she would join baking cookies with Riri rather than fishing with Bayu. Santi thanked Riri for the offer.

Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi 2016 page 40-41


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