My Unforgettable Experience


Today, i want to tell you about my story when i am in the situation that i am feel so grateful because of the kindness of others.I have that one unforgettable experience in my life. When i was a kid, to be exact when i was in my house. My house is pretty quiet untill the lamps turns off. The electricity is off because of heavy rain. It was very dark and i am so scared to darkness. So, my mom light a candles. It was the first time i see the light (fire) from candle.

I am so curious. I wonder what actually is that. So i touched it. But i am not feel anything. I am still want to know. So, i took a tissue and draw closer to the fire and yes. The tissue is burning and i am still holding that burning tissue. I was shocked. Very shocked. I was stuck in silence. I don't know what to do and the tissue is still burning in my hand.

Luckily, my aunt saw me in that panic situation. She helped me out. Her movement is so fast so i helped. But she does'nt. Her hand is hurt by the fire. I am very grateful that i can save from that situation because of my aunt. I can't imagine if my aunt was'nt there. Maybe, my hand can be injured because of my curiousness.


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